These days my singing voice rarely sees the light of day. Reason being? It did a runner! I used to sing both on the amateur stage and the professional one, having studied with a vocal coach for many years. I used to have a big rafter-raising bass-baritone voice and my repertoire included opera, folk, big band and musical theatre. But in truth, too much alcohol and karaoke was hammering nails into the vocal chords. These few recordings were done using professional backing tracks about a year before I finally admitted that it was time to say goodbye to vocals. But there's still enough colour for the songs to be enjoyed. Just! Well, I think so!

The Image on the left is of me performing in St. Georges Church, Hanover Square, London, Christmas 2001. A charity fundraiser in the prescence of HRH Princess Alexandra. The event was hosted by Stephen Fry; who was also the Nativity Narrator for the evening. Click the photo to see this beautiful church.