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Among those who know me, it's no secret that I'm a little obsessed with the tune Tico Tico No Fuba. Every since I heard it played for the first time, only a few years ago, I have wanted to learn how to play the tricky little bugger.
But of course, I've not been content with just playing it straight, I wanted to play it in many different ways. Here is just four examples. The Merengue version is probably the closest to what is considered the standard, but the others are about as far away from original as you could imagine. I even changed the time signature in parts of the ballet version!

Tico Madness
Tico Tico Comedy Rock Edit -
Tico Tico Physically Repulsive Edit -
Tico Tico The Ballet -
Tico Tico Merengue Madness -
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